- It is a quarterly independent journal and is the oldest, longest-running
English- and French-language journal dedicated to the study of North Africa and Islamic culture and religion.
For nearly half a century, the review has published
articles by distinguished scholars from the US and the UK, from the Maghreb
and from many European and Middle Eastern countries in fields ranging from
archaeology and anthropology, to politics and economics, to history,
literature, art, women’s studies and religion. The editorial board of
The Maghreb Review is drawn from academic institutions in no less than
ten different countries. Since its foundation in 1976, The Maghreb Review
has devoted itself entirely to the study of the Maghreb countries
(Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia) and Islamic culture
and religion. But this focus on the territorial state might be seen
as an aberration from longer-term patterns in the Maghreb. One might
also argue that the Maghreb can play a unique and dynamic role in a
global age. Perhaps the remarkable characteristic of the region is
that, while it sustains intense local traditions; it has long been a
crossroads with links to sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Europe.
Further, it is misleading to call the states of the Maghreb national
since they all share a common Berber, Arab and Islamic heritage.
As we enter the twenty-first century, therefore,
we would like to encourage more attention to the Maghreb’s crossroads
character – to its interaction through migration, trade, travel and
cultural-education links with other regions. We would also like to
promote theoretically informed comparison with neighbouring regions,
including sub-Saharan Africa, the Iberian peninsula, southern France,
Italy and the former Ottoman lands, the Middle East, and with more
distant areas that share related historical experience, such as Central
Asia, Southern Africa or South and Central America.
The Maghreb Review is politically unbiased.
- The journal, invites original, well-authenticated articles on any
topic related to the areas described above from the earliest times to
the present day (history, ethnography, economics, politics, Islamic
culture, philosophy and science in the Islamic world, linguistics,
literature, agriculture, sociology, anthropology, ethnomusicology,
and relevant medical issues in our fields).
- Submitting a paper to The Maghreb Review will be held to imply that:
(a) it is your own original work, and does not duplicate any other
previously published work;
(b) it has not previously been published in full or in a shorter version,
either in print or on the internet;
(c) it is not under consideration for publication either in full or in a
shorter version in any other publication, or in any other language elsewhere;
(d) it contains nothing that is abusive, defamatory, libellous, fraudulent,
or illegal;
(e) if the paper is accepted, at least nine months will elapse between
publication in The Maghreb Review and re-publication of the paper,
or any significant part thereof, in another work;
(f) the authors will participate in the anonymous peer-review process;
(g) authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes;
(h) authors must identify any financial support they have received.
- Authors alone are fully responsible for the opinions expressed in their papers.
- To reduce editorial processing time the following guidelines should be adhered to:
Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor, The Maghreb Review,
at the address below. They should be received 30 days before going to press
and are accepted on the assumption that they are not being considered for
publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts are subjected to an elaborate (and expensive) copyediting and to
an anonymous peer-review procedure.
No major editing is undertaken or published without the author’s approval.
The Editor cannot promise to publish all material supplied. Manuscripts,
in English or in French, are normally up to 8,000 words. The average is
5,000 words. However, we can consider longer articles up to 20,000 words.
- ARTICLES must be typed (two copies), double-spaced on one side only
of A4 paper with ample margins for editorial markings. Please retype any
page on which complicated corrections have been made. Contributions should
be carefully revised, as alterations in print cannot be accepted. Manuscripts
should be submitted on virus-free CD-ROM, in Word format. You may also send
copy by email in Word format, but articles with Arabic transliterations
must also be submitted in hard copy by post showing all accents in place.
- BOOK REVIEWS OR REPLIES to articles which The Maghreb Review has
published are welcome on the understanding that these have not been submitted
for publication elsewhere. The length should be between 2,000 and 5,000 words.
- TITLES should clearly and succinctly reflect the contents of the text to
assist indexing and information retrieval services.
- AUTHOR’S NAME. Since manuscripts are sent out anonymously for evaluation,
the author’s name and affiliation should appear only on a separate covering sheet.
- ABSTRACTS. An abstract of 150 words describing in general terms contents
and conclusions should be provided for each article summarising the essential points.
illustrations can be included. Normally up to four black-and-white may be used
in each article. Photographs should have a glossy finish.
It would assist production of the journal if photographs could
be printed 84 mm wide (single column width) or 178 mm wide (double-column width).
All illustrations, photographs, maps and diagrams should be
copied to a CD-ROM (or emailed) in uncompressed TIFF or JPEG formats in
individual files. These should be prepared in black-and-white.
TABLES should be kept to a minimum and contain only
essential data.
The figure number and the title of the article should
be written on the back of each illustration. The figure number should reflect
the order of citation in the text. Captions for all illustrations should
be listed on a separate page.
Authors should indicate in their manuscript the approximate
position of text figures. Although every care is taken, no responsibility
is assumed by The Maghreb Review for any damage to original works
submitted for reproduction.
(a) Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the foot of the page.
(b) References, which should include only the works cited in the text, should
be submitted in alphabetical order (with the date in brackets after the name)
and placed at the end of the article.
(c) INTERNET REFERENCES may be out of date by the time articles are published.
It can also be difficult, if not impossible, for some readers to access the
internet. Therefore such references should be kept to a minimum. Whenever
they are cited they should be accompanied by the date of access by the
author and the author is responsible for making sure these references are
correctly cited.
- PROOFS. The Editor corrects all printer’s proofs, therefore no proofs
are sent to authors. However, if the author wishes to correct his/her proofs,
please inform the Editor when submitting your contribution. The author
must return corrected proofs within 10 days of receipt.
(a) Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it
is accepted for publication, exclusive copyright in the paper shall be
assigned to The Maghreb Review. In return for this, 2 copies of
The Maghreb Review in which the paper has appeared will be sent
to the author. In case of joint authorship, The Maghreb Review
will send 1 copy to each contributor.
When a paper is received the copyright assignment
form will be sent to the author and must be filled in and returned to us on
receipt. Even if the copyright form is not returned, the full exclusive
copyright in the paper remains with The Maghreb Review.
(b) The Maghreb Review will not put any limitation on the personal freedom
of the author to re-publish (translated or not) the paper in other works.
However, the author should obtain the written consent of the Editor, and
any republished version, either in full or in a shorter form, in any language
should mention that the material was originally published in
The Maghreb Review, giving volume and page references. This applies
also to illustrations, photographs and maps.
(c) You must not make the contribution available on the
internet, or other public network, (including websites such as academia.edu)
for free access or download. You may make the abstract available along
with mention that the contribution was originally published in
The Maghreb Review, giving volume and page reference.
(d) All requests we receive to reprint all or part of a contribution in another
publication will be subject to the author’s approval. All requests received
will be sent to the last address of the contributor we have in our file.
The author must reply within 20 days of receipt or approval will be assumed.
(e) The above copyright procedures are aimed only at protecting our authors’
rights and those of the journal.
- REMUNERATION. The Maghreb Review does not pay for articles and other contributions.
- FEES. The Maghreb Review does not charge authors fees for manuscript processing or publishing.
- The Maghreb Review receives no grant or other assistance from any organization.
Its survival depends entirely on its subscribers and their recommendations.